J Grebe is a writer and illustrator located in St Catharines, Ontario.
The featured illustrations in this exhibirion are from his latest novel GARDEN CiTY SLEUTHS: At ThE eNd Of HiS rOpE.
This, his fourth novel and the first in a new series, feature a not quite hopeless detective and his furry four-legged partners who are secretly capable of human speech. The illustrations themselves are mostly of possible buildings from the last third of the 21st century.
Other novels by J Grebe include Play, Greetings From Duston N.Y.!, and Brownie Box!, a series that centers around Rebekah and her unintended adventures in surrealistic places.
The author/illustrator has also published a few comic books, namely Warts And All- Volumes One and Two, as well as Mooch and Sneakers in Dain City Doldrums and Queen Holly’s Domain.

I would like to thank the City of St. Catharines, specifically their SCCIP Program, for supporting this endeavour.
This is the 14th exhibition in my continuing series platforming Niagara based visual artists with exhibitions in the downtown of St. Catharines.