A Fall Update: What About Rodman Hall?
There’s been several serious developments in the relationship between Brock University and Rodman Hall this past Summer. Your intrepid #artcriticfromhell puts on his hip waders and offers this update.
#artcriticfromhell | arts writer & curator | I take pictures of what's left when the world ends
There’s been several serious developments in the relationship between Brock University and Rodman Hall this past Summer. Your intrepid #artcriticfromhell puts on his hip waders and offers this update.
Natalie Hunter’s exhibition of new work at Rodman Hall Art Centre is both ephemeral and architectural, shifting on what time of day you visit the space.
Heather Hart’s Northern Oracle at Rodman Hall offers a site for interaction and speaking that is both historical and personal.
Victor Vasarely’s Laika, in this iteration of Up Close & In Motion at Rodman, spurs a few thoughts and considerations about art and politics.